Finance earns honors for excellence in reporting
The Garfield County Finance Department has earned the Government Finance Officers Association’s (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (ACFR) for 2020. This marks the 13th straight year the finance department has been honored with the certificate by the GFOA for its annual comprehensive financial report.
GFOA award-|
2023 adopted budget
Garfield County has produced its 2023 adopted budget.
2023 adopted budget-|
2023 adopted budget PDF-|
Our mission
Garfield County Finance Department ensures the prudent stewardship of public funds and provides quality financial management and services to the citizens, elected officials and employees of Garfield County.
Our vision
The Finance Department is committed to excellence, professionalism and ethical conduct, fiscal integrity and accuracy, continual improvement and working together as a team in a courteous and supportive environment.